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Instant Wholewheat ChocoCoffee Cake - Egg less :)

Most of the time we need Convention mode for baking the cake, and you need to be an expert in butter/sugar mixing. You need to prepare your trays for a perfect shaped one. Watch out the time and temperature carefully to make a perfect one....This is an instant cake version and even if you have a microwave you can bake a cake with out convention mode and with out much fussy work. Try this interesting healthy cake !!! It's Egg less as well so all can dig in :)


Dry Ingredients :

1) Whole wheat Flour - 6tsp

2) Powdered Sugar - 6tsp

3) Cocoa powder/Grated Chocolate - 1tsp

4) Baking Powder - 1/2 tsp

5) Coffee Powder - 1/2 tsp

6) Salt - A pinch 

Liquid Ingredients

7) Milk - 6tsp

8) Refined Oil - 6tsp


Method of Preparation


Please go through the slides for method of preparation.

Health Benefits 

This cake is made with whole wheat flour so contains fiber, riboflavin and benefits of wheat. Milk contains calcium and minerals good for Bone. It's Egg less cake so vegetarians also can enjoy !


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